Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Researchers measure flow from a nanoscale fluid jet

Northwestern University researcher Sandip Ghosal and a team of collaborators from the UK and Spain have measured the flow from a fluid jet so tiny that it would require more than 8,000 years to fill a two-liter soda bottle.

Oct 28th, 2013

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Making complex nanoparticles easily reproducible

A pair of Case Western Reserve University researchers have received a $424,000 grant from the National Science Foundation's Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation, to streamline manufacturing and assembly for two-sided nanoparticles.

Oct 28th, 2013

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Tin for faster chips

Intensive research is being conducted worldwide on a material that promises a revolution in data processing. For the first time ever, physicists have now produced this from a very simple substance.

Oct 28th, 2013

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