Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Toward next-generation supercapacitors

Electric and hybrid vehicles may soon travel further without recharging their supercapacitor (SC) cell packs. Scientists investigated materials to increase the energy density of SCs, the main obstacle to their widespread use.

Dec 13th, 2013

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Bioreactors on the nanoscale

Molecular biologists working as part of an EU-funded project have successfully developed a nano-scale bioreactor that can be controlled by adjusting the external temperature. Thanks to their small size and large surface area, the device can act as a versatile tool for tackling key medical, chemical, biological and environmental challenges.

Dec 13th, 2013

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New, bioinspired nanocatalyst for fuel cells

Researchers have been inspired by nature to develop an alternative catalyst. It consists of organic molecules as well as iron or manganese on a metallic substrate. These materials are less costly and more easily available than platinum.

Dec 13th, 2013

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A fleeting flash of light

A method for producing ultrashort pulses of intense light provides an important tool for studying the interaction between light and matter.

Dec 13th, 2013

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Quantum waves at the heart of organic solar cells

By using an ultrafast camera, scientists say they have observed the very first instants following the absorption of light into artificial yet organic nanostructures and found that charges not only formed rapidly but also separated very quickly over long distances - phenomena that occur due to the wavelike nature of electrons which are governed by fundamental laws of quantum mechanics.

Dec 12th, 2013

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Low-power tunneling transistor for high-performance devices at low voltage

A new type of transistor that could make possible fast and low-power computing devices for energy-constrained applications such as smart sensor networks, implantable medical electronics and ultra-mobile computing is feasible. Called a near broken-gap tunnel field effect transistor, the new device uses the quantum mechanical tunneling of electrons through an ultrathin energy barrier to provide high current at low voltage.

Dec 12th, 2013

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Graphene-based nano-antennas may enable networks of tiny machines

Networks of nanometer-scale machines offer exciting potential applications in medicine, industry, environmental protection and defense, but until now there's been one very small problem: the limited capability of nanoscale antennas fabricated from traditional metallic components.

Dec 12th, 2013

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