Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Graphene improves oil exploration

Graphene holds potential for diverse applications, including battery materials, electrodes, high-speed electronics, water filtration, and solar energy harvesting.Little media attention, however, has been paid to a young and exciting application of graphene - oil exploration.

Dec 17th, 2013

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Atoms in a nanocrystal cooperate, much like in biomolecules

Researchers have long thought that biological molecules and synthetic nanocrystals were similar only in size. Now, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign chemists have found that they can add reactivity to the list of shared traits. Atoms in a nanocrystal can cooperate with each other to facilitate binding or switching, a phenomenon widely found in biological molecules.

Dec 17th, 2013

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Cellulose nanocrystals possible 'green' wonder material

The same tiny cellulose crystals that give trees and plants their high strength, light weight and resilience, have now been shown to have the stiffness of steel. The nanocrystals might be used to create a new class of biomaterials with wide-ranging applications, such as strengthening construction materials and automotive components.

Dec 16th, 2013

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Alzheimer substance may be the nanomaterial of tomorrow

Amyloid protein causes diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. But amyloid also carries unique characteristics that may lead to the development of new composite materials for the nano processors and data storage of tomorrow, and even make objects invisible.

Dec 16th, 2013

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Nanoparticles and their orbital positions

Physicists have developed a 'planet-satellite model' to precisely connect and arrange nanoparticles in three-dimensional structures. Like photosystems of plants and algae, the model might in future serve to collect and convert energy.

Dec 13th, 2013

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