Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Nanoparticles in sunblock pose potential hazard to sea life

When sunbathers splash into the ocean to cool off, some of their lotions and creams get rinsed into the water. The problem is that titanium dioxide and zinc oxide nanoparticles, which are common ingredients in sunblock, can react with ultraviolet light from the sun and form new compounds, such as hydrogen peroxide, that could be toxic.

Aug 20th, 2014

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The nanochannel that relaxes DNA

A simple and effective way of unravelling the often tangled mass of DNA is to 'thread' the strand into a nano-channel. A new study used simulations to measure the characteristics that this channel should have in order to achieve maximum efficiency.

Aug 20th, 2014

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Nanotechnology in the security systems

The topics discussed at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop 'Nanotechnology in the Security Systems' included nanophysics, nanotechnology, nanomaterials, sensors, biosensors security systems, explosive detection.

Aug 19th, 2014

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