Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Graphene reinvents the future

For many scientists, the discovery of one-atom-thick sheets of graphene is hugely significant, something with the potential to affect just about every aspect of human activity and endeavour.

Aug 27th, 2014

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Researchers film protein quake for the first time

One of nature's mysteries is how plants survive impact by the huge amounts of energy contained in the sun's rays, while using this energy for photosynthesis. The hypothesis is that the light-absorbing proteins in the plant's blades quickly dissipate the energy throughout the entire protein molecule through so-called protein quakes. Researchers have now managed to successfully 'film' this process.

Aug 27th, 2014

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Cubic cluster chills out

Gadolinium-based material that can be cooled by varying a magnetic field may be useful for cooling low-temperature sensors.

Aug 27th, 2014

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Laser pulse turns glass into a metal

For tiny fractions of a second, quartz glass can take on metallic properties, when it is illuminated be a laser pulse. The effect could be used to build logical switches which are much faster than today's microelectronics.

Aug 26th, 2014

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Multi-tasking nanoparticles to fight cancer

Researchers have created dynamic nanoparticles that could provide an arsenal of applications to diagnose and treat cancer. Built on an easy-to-make polymer, these particles can be used as contrast agents to light up tumors for MRI and PET scans or deliver chemo and other therapies to destroy tumors.

Aug 26th, 2014

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Inkjet-printed superparamagnetic polymer composite hemispheres

Researchers present the fabrication and characterization of large arrays of inkjet-printed superparamagnetic polymer composite (SPMPC) hemispherical microstructures. SPMPCs are appealing for applications in microsystems and nanorobotics due to the added functionality of polymers and the significant magnetic attributes of embedded nanostructures.

Aug 26th, 2014

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