Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Researchers design an 'artificial nose' to detect DNA differentiation with single nucleotide resolution

This is a method of identification of nucleic acids, with single nucleotide resolution, based on the generation pattern (bar code) inspired by our olfactory system. The differences in trans-membrane transport can be used to generate fluorescence patterns. That allows the differentiation of molecules as DNA or RNA by means of pattern generation and/or recognition protocols.

Sep 18th, 2014

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Sorting water molecules

Not all water is equal - at least not at the molecular level. There are two versions of the water molecule, para and ortho water, in which the spin states of the hydrogen nuclei are different. Researchers have now reported the successful separation of the two forms.

Sep 18th, 2014

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Deutsche Nanoforschung im Dornr�schenschlaf

Von 0 auf 100 und wieder zur�ck - so l�sst sich der Hype um die Nanotechnologie in Deutschland beschreiben. W�hrend die neuen Materialien in asiatischen L�ndern nach wie vor intensiv beforscht werden, l�sst die Nano-Euphorie in Deutschland nach

Sep 18th, 2014

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Twisted graphene chills out

When two sheets of graphene are stacked in a special way, it is possible to cool down the graphene with a laser instead of heating it up, researchers have shown.

Sep 17th, 2014

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Recruiting bacteria to be technology innovation partners

For most people biofilms conjure up images of slippery stones in a streambed and dirty drains. While there are plenty of 'bad' biofilms around, researchers see biofilms as a robust new platform for designer nanomaterials that could clean up polluted rivers, manufacture pharmaceutical products, fabricate new textiles, and more.

Sep 17th, 2014

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