Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Graphene enabled flexible LEDs

Researchers have grown gallium nitride micro-rods on graphene substrates to create transferrable light-emitting diodes - enabling bendable optoelectronics devices.

Sep 23rd, 2014

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Airway muscle-on-a-chip mimics asthma

Researchers have developed a human airway muscle-on-a-chip that could be used to test new drugs because it accurately mimics the way smooth muscle contracts in the human airway, under normal circumstances and when exposed to asthma triggers.

Sep 23rd, 2014

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A new strategy to analyze the cellular world

Scientists have developed a new technique that expands the benefit of super-resolution microscopy to study biological questions. This method contributes to understand on how cells renew, distribute and transport their molecular and subcellular components.

Sep 23rd, 2014

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Scientists grow a new challenger to graphene

Researchers have developed molybdenum di-sulphide (MoS2), a similar material to graphene that shares many of its properties, including extraordinary electronic conduction and mechanical strength, but made from a metal (in this case molybdenum combined with sulphur).

Sep 23rd, 2014

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