Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Revolutionary new probe zooms in on cancer cells

The hand-held Raman spectroscopy probe enables surgeons, for the first time, to accurately detect virtually all invasive brain cancer cells in real time during surgery. The probe is superior to existing technology and could set a new standard for successful brain cancer surgery.

Feb 11th, 2015

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Bacterial armor holds clues for self-assembling nanostructures

Imagine thousands of copies of a single protein organizing into a coat of chainmail armor that protects the wearer from harsh and ever-changing environmental conditions. That is the case for many microorganisms. In a new study, researchers have uncovered key details in this natural process that can be used for the self-assembly of nanomaterials into complex two- and three-dimensional structures.

Feb 11th, 2015

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Biomedical applications of gold-oxoborate nanocomposites

Scientists present the synthesis and characterization of a new inorganic nanostructured functional material, BOA, comprising gold nanoparticles and oxoborates. It has the form of small building blocks composed of gold nanoparticles embedded in a polyoxoborate matrix.

Feb 11th, 2015

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Live bacterium depicted using X-ray laser

An international team of scientists has succeeded, for the first time, in depicting intact live bacteria with an X-ray laser. This technique can give researchers a clearer understanding of the complex world of cells.

Feb 11th, 2015

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