Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Smart crystallization

The first semi-liquid, non-protein nucleating agent for automated protein crystallization trials is described. This 'smart material' is demonstrated to induce crystal growth and will provide a simple, cost-effective tool for scientists in academia and industry.

Mar 2nd, 2015

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The first ever photograph of light as a particle and a wave

Light behaves both as a particle and as a wave. Since the days of Einstein, scientists have been trying to directly observe both of these aspects of light at the same time. Now, scientists have succeeded in capturing the first-ever snapshot of this dual behavior.

Mar 2nd, 2015

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Silver nanoparticles adorn graphene to utilise light efficiently

Researchers designed a novel device based on graphene and metal nanoparticles that shows greatly enhanced response to light and is colour sensitive. This may foster applications like colour based ultra-sensitive photodetectors, efficient solar cells and detection of single molecules.

Mar 2nd, 2015

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European Food Safety Authority publishes risk assessment of nanotechnologies in food and feed

The overall goals of EFSA's Nano Network are to provide a forum for dialogue among participants; build mutual understanding of risk assessment principles; enhance knowledge on and confidence in the scientific assessments carried out in EU; and to provide increased transparency in the current process among Member States and EFSA on nanotechnology. All this with the aim to raise the level of harmonisation of the risk assessments developed in the EU on nanotechnology.

Feb 27th, 2015

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