Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Skyrmions get a sonic touch

The use of sound waves to probe nanoscale magnetic whirls called skyrmions could help to develop next-generation memory and data storage technology.

Mar 6th, 2015

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Spinning cotton into capacitive yarn

While the pattern for making a wearable fabric battery has already been laid out, it's now time to select the threads that will turn a textile into an energy storage device.

Mar 5th, 2015

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Medical nanoparticles for the local treatment of lung cancer

Researchers have developed nanocarriers that site-selectively release medicines/drugs at the tumor site in human and mouse lungs. The scientists report that this approach led to a significant increase in the effectiveness of current cancer medicines in lung tumour tissue.

Mar 5th, 2015

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Nanotechnology enhanced orthopedic implants fight infection

Biomedical engineers are fighting back by developing nanotechnology built directly into orthopedic implants using a battery-activated device to power an army of microscopic germ-killers. Even antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as MRSA are on the hit list.

Mar 4th, 2015

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