Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

New material science research may advance tech tools

Hard, complex materials with many components are used to fabricate some of today's most advanced technology tools. However, little is still known about how the properties of these materials change under specific temperatures, magnetic fields and pressures. Scientists conducted research that advances the understanding of how materials can be manipulated.

Aug 31st, 2015

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Using ultrathin sheets to discover new class of wrapped shapes

Experimental and theoretical physicists and a polymer scientist have teamed up to use much thinner sheets than before to achieve seeking to encapsulate droplets of one fluid within another. Thinner, highly-bendable sheets lift these constraints and allow for a new class of wrapped shapes.

Aug 31st, 2015

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Seeing quantum motion

For the first time, researchers have found a way to observe - and control - the quantum motion of an object that is large enough to see.

Aug 31st, 2015

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Designing bespoke nanomaterials for energy applications

A new paper demonstrates the rapid and scalable production of Zinc Oxide nanomaterials using a technique called electrochemical anodization. The technique can be controlled to give rise to a wide range of interesting structures, with different sizes and shapes, which can be tailored towards specific applications.

Aug 28th, 2015

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Draw out of the predicted interatomic force

Liquid Bi shows a peculiar dispersion of the acoustic mode, which is related to the Peierls distortion in the crystalline state. These results will provide valuable inspiration to researchers developing new materials in the nanotechnology field.

Aug 28th, 2015

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A new nanoparticle technique to make drugs more soluble

Researchers have developed a new system that can produce stable, amorphous nanoparticles in large quantities that dissolve quickly. But that's not all. The system is so effective that it can produce amorphous nanoparticles from a wide range of materials, including for the first time, inorganic materials with a high propensity towards crystallization, such as table salt.

Aug 27th, 2015

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