Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Scientists 'squeeze' light one particle at a time

A team of scientists have measured a bizarre effect in quantum physics, in which individual particles of light are said to have been 'squeezed' - an achievement which at least one textbook had written off as hopeless.

Sep 1st, 2015

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Water heals a bioplastic (w/video)

A drop of water self-heals a multiphase polymer derived from the genetic code of squid ring teeth, which may someday extend the life of medical implants, fiber-optic cables and other hard to repair in place objects, according to an international team of researchers.

Sep 1st, 2015

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Waste coffee used as fuel storage

Scientists have developed a simple process to treat waste coffee grounds to allow them to store methane. The simple soak and heating process develops a carbon capture nanomaterial with the additional environmental benefits of recycling a waste product.

Sep 1st, 2015

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Nanoparticles antiparasitic to fight the common tick

Scientists designed a new external antiparasitic in the form of nanoparticles to attack the tick, which the laboratory has shown to be less toxic than the currently marketed, it does not harm the environment or the people who apply it.

Sep 1st, 2015

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New material science research may advance tech tools

Hard, complex materials with many components are used to fabricate some of today's most advanced technology tools. However, little is still known about how the properties of these materials change under specific temperatures, magnetic fields and pressures. Scientists conducted research that advances the understanding of how materials can be manipulated.

Aug 31st, 2015

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Using ultrathin sheets to discover new class of wrapped shapes

Experimental and theoretical physicists and a polymer scientist have teamed up to use much thinner sheets than before to achieve seeking to encapsulate droplets of one fluid within another. Thinner, highly-bendable sheets lift these constraints and allow for a new class of wrapped shapes.

Aug 31st, 2015

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