Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Research improves efficiency from larger perovskite solar cells

Perovskite solar cells are cheaper to make than traditional silicon cells and their electricity conversion efficiency is improving rapidly. To be commercially viable, perovskite cells need to scale up from lab size. Researchers report a method for making perovskite cells larger while maintaining efficiency.

Oct 5th, 2015

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Physicists turn toward heat to study electron spin

The quest to control and understand the intrinsic spin of electrons to advance nanoscale electronics is hampered by how hard it is to measure tiny, fast magnetic devices. Applied physicists offer a solution: using heat, instead of light, to measure magnetic systems at short length and time scales.

Oct 5th, 2015

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Developing a nanoscale 'clutch'

Researchers have assembled model microscopic system to demonstrate the transmission of torque in the presence of thermal fluctuations - necessary for the creation of a tiny 'clutch' operating at the nanoscale.

Oct 5th, 2015

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Brightness-equalized quantum dots improve biological imaging

Researchers have introduced a new class of light-emitting quantum dots with tunable and equalized fluorescence brightness across a broad range of colors. This results in more accurate measurements of molecules in diseased tissue and improved quantitative imaging capabilities.

Oct 5th, 2015

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