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Snowballs to soot: The clumping density of many things seems to be a standard

Particles of soot floating through the air and comets hurtling through space have at least one thing in common: 0.36. That, reports a research group, is the measure of how dense they will get under normal conditions, and it's a value that seems to be constant for similar aggregates across an impressively wide size range from nanometers to tens of meters.

Jun 11th, 2014

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Sopcawind, a multidisciplinary tool for designing wind farms (w/video)

The SOPCAWIND tool is a piece of software that facilitates the design of wind farms, bearing in mind not only the aspects of energy productivity but also the possible impact the wind farm may have on the environment, radars or other telecommunications systems in the vicinity. It also assesses acoustic noise, the effect of shadow on nearby housing, and applies criteria for heritage protection or clearance from transport networks and certain facilities.

Jun 10th, 2014

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How much fertilizer is too much for the climate?

Helping farmers around the globe apply more-precise amounts of nitrogen-based fertilizer can help combat climate change. In a new study, researchers provide an improved prediction of nitrogen fertilizer's contribution to greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural fields.

Jun 9th, 2014

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Cleaning the air with roof tiles

Researchers created a roof tile coating that when applied to an average-sized residential roof breaks down the same amount of smog-causing nitrogen oxides per year as a car driven 11,000 miles.

Jun 4th, 2014

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Clean power from waste heat

Siemens has developed a technology to use waste heat, which previously had gone unused, to generate electricity. The solution employs silicone oils, which have a lower enthalpy of vaporization than water, and is needed because waste heat produced in industrial plants or power stations often does not have enough energy to drive a turbine with steam.

Jun 4th, 2014

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Climate engineering can't erase climate change

Tinkering with climate change through climate engineering isn't going to help us get around what we have to do says a new report authored by researchers at six universities. After evaluating a range of possible climate-altering approaches to dissipating greenhouse gases and reducing warming, the interdisciplinary team concluded there's no way around it. We have to reduce the amount of carbon being released into the atmosphere.

Jun 3rd, 2014

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Toxic computer waste in the developing world

As the developing world continues to develop, standards of living and access to technology increases. Unfortunately, as personal computers, laptops and mobile phones become increasingly common so the problem of recycling and disposal of such devices when they become technologically obsolete rises too.

Jun 3rd, 2014

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Cyborg plants as environmental biosensors (w/video)

By using the same sort of technology that measures brain and muscle movements in human beings, Dr Vitaletti and his team think we can better understand what is happening in the environment, and in plant-life as a result. He calls this blend of living tissue and digital sensors 'cyborg plants'.

Jun 3rd, 2014

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Energy saving strategies during production processes

New research suggests advantages of the smart analysis in energy consumptions of discontinuous production processes, all in terms of minimizing production costs. This research opens the door to improvements in the sequencing techniques and machine scale work assignment.

Jun 3rd, 2014

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