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A Sustainable Energy Hub for Asia has been launched

The 9th Asia Clean Energy Forum today saw the launch of a Sustainable Energy for All hub for Asia Pacific, aimed at mobilizing investment and finding innovative ways to bring clean, modern energy to the people of Asia and the Pacific.

Jun 18th, 2014

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Cutting-edge research on non-food biofuels

The FP7-funded MULTIBIOPRO project is developing second-generation non-food oils and biomaterials from poplar and the tobacco tree (Nicotiana glauca). Both of these plants thrive on marginal land and may have the potential for large-scale production without directly competing with food crops.

Jun 18th, 2014

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Finland to become a model country for sustainable transport by 2020

Roads in Finland in 2020 will hum to the sound of low-emission vehicles running on renewable energy, electricity, hydrogen and sustainable biofuels. The share of public transport and car pooling in densely populated urban areas will increase. Mobility arranged through easy-to-use services will become a viable alternative to buying a private car.

Jun 18th, 2014

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Wind turbine payback

Researchers have carried out an environmental lifecycle assessment of 2-megawatt wind turbines mooted for a large wind farm in the US Pacific Northwest. They conclude that in terms of cumulative energy payback, or the time to produce the amount of energy required of production and installation, a wind turbine with a working life of 20 years will offer a net benefit within five to eight months of being brought online.

Jun 16th, 2014

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Ice in fuel cells imaged directly for the first time

Researchers have succeeded in imaging the distribution of frozen and liquid water in a hydrogen fuel cell directly for the first time. The method opens up the prospect of studying one of the main problems of using fuel cells to power vehicles: ice can clog the pores in the fuel cells and affect their performance.

Jun 16th, 2014

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Greening our cities

Solutions to halving energy consumption, costs and greenhouse emissions in cities may be on the horizon, as long as partners find suitable ways to cooperate.

Jun 11th, 2014

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