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This is what you need to know about CCS - Carbon Capture and Storage

CCS is technology that can capture and transport this CO2 and store it safely under the earth?s surface. Many have therefore begun to refer to CCS as carbon recycling, since the plan is to return the CO2 to where it came from, underground, for example in old, stable oil reservoirs that can be sealed.

Oct 9th, 2019

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Five climate change science misconceptions - debunked

The science of climate change is more than 150 years old and it is probably the most tested area of modern science. However the energy industry, political lobbyists and others have spent the last 30 years sowing doubt about the science where none really exists.

Sep 16th, 2019

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Tomorrow's coolants of choice

Later during this century, around 2060, a paradigm shift in global energy consumption is expected: we will spend more energy for cooling purposes than for heating. New refrigeration processes such as magnetic cooling could limit the resulting impact on climate and the environment.

Sep 16th, 2019

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How to accelerate change towards sustainability?

There is growing recognition that achieving prosperity within environmental limits requires fundamental changes in core systems of production and consumption. A new European Environment Agency report identifies ten focus areas for enabling sustainability transitions.

Sep 11th, 2019

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Extracting clean fuel from sunlight

The new study explores the subtle interplay of the primary components of such devices and outlines a theoretical framework for understanding the underlying fuel-forming reactions. The results suggest strategies for improving the efficiency and performance of such hybrid technologies, bringing them a step closer to commercial viability.

Sep 3rd, 2019

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Can consumers save the planet by just buying green?

A doctoral dissertation states that awareness-raising for consumers and eco-labels for products are important, but they are not enough. Government- and market-promoted green consumerism operates as a peripheral activity that is only a safeguard against the most visible, damaging and immediate environmental and social problems.

Aug 26th, 2019

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Catalysts for climate protection

Researchers have developed various new technological solutions for using the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, which is generated during combustion processes, as a raw material for the production of chemicals, fuels or chemical energy storage systems.

Aug 20th, 2019

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