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E-waste eating protein creates rare earth elements

Researchers have designed a new process, based on a naturally occurring protein, that could extract and purify rare earth elements (REE) from low-grade sources. It could offer a new avenue toward a more diversified and sustainable REE sector.

Jul 15th, 2020

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What comes after the lithium-ion battery?

The demand for batteries to store renewable energy will grow drastically in the coming years. Could we develop more sustainable technologies to save precious natural resources, besides the familiar lithium-ion batteries?

Jul 13th, 2020

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Five must-read novels on the environment and climate crisis

Since the start of lockdown, more of us have taken to our bicycles, grown our own vegetables and baked our own bread. So it's not surprising it has been suggested we should use this experience to rethink our approach to the climate crisis. Reading some environmental literature can also give us the opportunity to think about the world around us in different ways.

Jul 10th, 2020

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