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Falling EU carbon price should inspire greater mitigation efforts

In the absence of policy action, China would account for 41% of global emissions in 2030 and developing countries 70%. Whatever weight were given to the requirements of historical responsibility and justice, effective global mitigation would require major and early reductions from business as usual emissions in China and other developing countries.

Feb 3rd, 2013

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Official start for Research Alliance for Wind Energy in Germany

A unique alliance for German wind energy research was officially formed in Berlin yesterday - the Research Alliance for Wind Energy. Representatives of the three partners, the German Aerospace Centre (DLR), ForWind, the Center for Wind Energy Research of the Universities Oldenburg, Hannover and Bremen, and the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy Systems Technology (IWES) signed the cooperation agreement.

Feb 1st, 2013

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Solar power: Is it time for the big push?

There are great expectations for solar power, especially in the coming years, when the International Energy Agency projects solar to grow faster than any other renewable power. But what does science need to do to more fully respond to the opportunities ahead?

Jan 31st, 2013

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Researchers harness nature to produce the fuel of the future

Hydro�gen has tremen�dous poten�tial as an eco-friendly fuel, but it is expen�sive to pro�duce. Now researchers at Prince�ton Uni�ver�sity and Rut�gers Uni�ver�sity have moved a step closer to har�ness�ing nature to pro�duce hydro�gen for us.

Jan 31st, 2013

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Biofuels blend right in

Winemakers have long known that blending different grape varietals can favorably balance the flavor characteristics of the wine they produce. In the future, makers of advanced biofuels might use a similar strategy, blending different feedstock varieties to balance the energy characteristics of the transportation fuel they produce.

Jan 30th, 2013

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Revolutionary cooling system uses lasers instead of refrigerants

Bulky and noisy air-conditioning compressors and refrigerators may soon be a thing of the past. With the latest discovery by scientists from Nanyang Technological University, current cooling systems which uses refrigerant harmful to the ozone layer could be replaced by a revolutionary cooling system using lasers.

Jan 30th, 2013

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International standard for charging of electric cars

The goal of the eNterop project, which is partly funded by the German government, is to ensure the smooth interoperation of cars and charging points from different manufacturers. International standard ISO/IEC 15118 defining communication between vehicle and charging station was recently established to guarantee this interoperability.

Jan 30th, 2013

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