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Genetically engineered plastic-eating bacteria can give waste a new life

Rresearchers have genetically engineered two synthetic bacteria they say can help turn plastic waste into more useful chemicals. The two bacteria strains can process the common plastic polyethylene terephthalate and create terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol. These two products can then be used in the production of materials used in insulators, foams, coatings, adhesives and nylon.

Sep 26th, 2023

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Human embryo models grown from stem cells

The complete, day 14 synthetic models may open new avenues of research into infertility, drug testing and growth of tissues for transplant - as well as help scientists peer into the dramatic first weeks of embryonic development.

Sep 15th, 2023

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On-off switch for enzymes

Scientists have gained new insights into the functioning of a protein found in bacteria, whose enzymatic activity is activated by blue light.

Aug 3rd, 2023

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How does nanotechnology work?