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Antioxidant biomaterial promotes healing

Researchers have created a biodegradable biomaterial that is inherently antioxidant. The material can be used to create elastomers, liquids that turn into gels, or solids for building devices that are more compatible with cells and tissues.

Aug 8th, 2014

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Biology made simpler with clear tissues

Thanks to techniques developed at Caltech, scientists can see through tissues, organs, and even an entire body. The techniques offer new insight into the cell-by-cell makeup of organisms - and the promise of novel diagnostic medical applications.

Aug 5th, 2014

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Implanted neurons become part of the brain

Scientists have grafted neurons reprogrammed from skin cells into the brains of mice for the first time with long-term stability. Six months after implantation, the neurons had become fully functionally integrated into the brain.

Aug 4th, 2014

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Scissoring the lipids

Scientists describe a new strategy which enables molecules to be disconnected essentially anywhere, even remote from functionality.

Jul 28th, 2014

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How sweet it is: New tool for characterizing plant sugar transporters

A powerful new tool that can help advance the genetic engineering of 'fuel' crops for clean, green and renewable bioenergy, has been developed by researchers with the U.S. Department of Energy's Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI). The JBEI researchers have developed an assay that enables scientists to identify and characterize the function of nucleotide sugar transporters, critical components in the biosynthesis of plant cell walls.

Jul 28th, 2014

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How does nanotechnology work?