Metamaterial e-skin brings advanced multisensory capabilities to robotics and wearables

(Nanowerk Spotlight) Creating technology that mimics human skin—a flexible, sensitive, and self-healing organ—has remained a significant challenge in material science and robotics. Electronic skin, or e-skin, offers a pathway to giving machines and humans enhanced sensory feedback, but early attempts to develop e-skin systems have encountered persistent roadblocks. These include limitations in sensing complexity, rigidity, and reliance on external power sources.
For robots, prosthetics, or wearable health monitors to operate effectively in dynamic, real-world environments, they need skin-like materials that are not only capable of sensing pressure but also of reacting to sound, motion, and even anticipating touch. Until now, most electronic skin technologies have been unable to replicate these nuanced capabilities.
The pursuit of truly adaptable e-skin has been hampered by these mechanical and sensory limitations, which stem from the fact that most e-skins are built from traditional materials that struggle to mimic the complex properties of biological tissues. Moreover, their reliance on external power sources adds to their bulk, restricting their practical use in applications like wearables or soft robotics.
However, a new generation of e-skin technologies is beginning to break away from these constraints, made possible by advances in mechanical metamaterials – materials engineered with internal structures that give them extraordinary properties – and systems capable of harvesting power from the surrounding environment.
A new study in Advanced Functional Materials ("Metamaterial-Based Electronic Skin with Conformality and Multisensory Integration") pushes this field forward with the development of a metamaterial-based electronic skin that offers both conformability to human tissue and the ability to sense and process multiple forms of sensory data.
The e-skin integrates several crucial advancements: it mimics the skin’s mechanical flexibility, incorporates a range of sensory capabilities from touch to sound detection, and operates without the need for external power. This leap is the result of combining metamaterial architecture with perovskite-based elastic sensors, which together allow the e-skin to stretch, bend, and even sense objects before contact – a critical advancement in this space.
This metamaterial-based e-skin stands out by replicating not just the mechanical behavior of human skin, but also its neural-network-like sensory processing. In the human body, sensory data from various inputs – such as touch, sound, and temperature – are processed in parallel by the nervous system. The e-skin imitates this functionality, thanks to its multimodal fusion-perception system. This allows it to detect and integrate information across several sensory modalities, capturing detailed information about its environment in real time.
Schematic illustration of e-skin
Schematic illustration of e-skin. a)Multimodal fusion perception nervous system and the corresponding three stimulation modes. b) Explored-view illustration of a multilayer device in the e-skin. c) Demonstration of the shape-morphing cycle of the mechanical metamaterial (MM) skeleton: it is transformed into a new structure when an external force is applied and then heated to return to its pre-memorized shape. d) Conformal characteristics of e-skin when attached to spherical and saddle-shaped surfaces. e) Schematic illustrations of e-skin worn for sports monitoring, speech recognition, and near-field distance recognition. (Image: Reproduced with permission by Wiley-VCH Verlag)
At the heart of this technology is a skeleton composed of mechanical metamaterials. These metamaterials are designed with intricate internal structures that enable them to replicate the nonlinear stress-strain behavior of soft biological tissues, meaning they can stretch, bend, and conform to dynamic surfaces without losing their structural integrity.
Unlike earlier e-skins, which often struggled with rigidity, the metamaterial-based architecture allows this new system to move in harmony with the body, making it particularly suited for applications in wearable devices or prosthetics. For example, the e-skin could be applied to a prosthetic limb, allowing the user to experience more natural, tactile feedback from their environment.
One of the key innovations of this e-skin is its ability to perform pre-contact sensing. In human skin, the nervous system can sometimes react before contact is made, such as when anticipating the heat from a nearby flame. This e-skin has achieved a similar capability by using perovskite-based sensors that can detect changes in the environment, such as the proximity of an object, before it physically interacts with the surface. This pre-contact sensory feedback gives the system an edge in robotics and wearable technology, where anticipatory reactions could be crucial for preventing damage or improving user experience.
In terms of sensing capabilities, this e-skin doesn’t stop at tactile feedback. It can also detect vibrations and sound waves, making it suitable for applications in speech recognition or motion detection. For example, in speech recognition trials, the e-skin was able to detect minute vibrations from spoken words, even distinguishing between different syllables. This feature could be adapted for assistive technologies that help individuals with speech impairments or be integrated into voice-activated systems.
The multimodal aspect of the e-skin—the ability to gather and process multiple types of sensory data simultaneously—holds particular promise for human-machine interaction. A robot equipped with this e-skin would be able to perceive its environment through touch, sound, and proximity sensing, allowing for more nuanced and intelligent interactions.
For instance, in a healthcare setting, such a system could monitor a patient’s movements, detect changes in their surroundings, and respond to voice commands all in real time. This level of integration is a significant step towards creating robots that can assist humans more effectively, with the kind of sensory sophistication that traditional machines lack.
A notable feature of this e-skin is its self-powering capability. In many existing systems, electronic skin relies on external batteries or power sources, which limit their usability in mobile or wearable applications. The researchers behind this new e-skin overcame this obstacle by incorporating a self-powering mechanism that harvests energy from movement or environmental vibrations. This means the skin can generate its own power during operation, reducing the need for bulky power packs or frequent charging. In real-world terms, this makes the technology more practical for everyday use, whether in wearable health monitors, soft robotics, or other portable devices.
In their trials, the researchers demonstrated how the e-skin could be used in a variety of applications. For example, the e-skin was attached to a range of joints on the body, including fingers, wrists, and knees, to monitor motion. The e-skin accurately recorded bending angles and movement, offering valuable real-time data that could be used in physical therapy or athletic performance monitoring. Additionally, its ability to capture sound signals was demonstrated through speech recognition, where the skin could detect slight vibrations produced during speech, even at a distance from the source.
Perhaps most strikingly, the e-skin was used to play a video game without any physical contact. By sensing the distance between the hand and the control interface, the e-skin was able to interpret non-contact gestures to control gameplay. This suggests that e-skin systems could revolutionize human-computer interaction in ways beyond traditional touchscreens or physical buttons.
In terms of material science, the structure of this e-skin is what makes its mechanical performance so impressive. The metamaterial skeleton is designed to closely mimic biological tissues, with a specific focus on flexibility and resilience. Shape memory materials—substances that can “remember” and revert to a previous shape—are used to give the e-skin reconfigurable properties. This means that the skin can adapt its form when subjected to external forces, such as heat or pressure, and return to its original shape once the force is removed. This reconfigurability is key for dynamic environments, where the skin needs to adapt to various shapes and movements without compromising its sensory performance.
The significance of this research lies not just in the creation of a more flexible, multisensory e-skin, but in the potential applications that this technology opens up. By bridging the gap between biological sensory systems and synthetic materials, this e-skin marks a leap forward in human-machine interfaces, robotics, and wearable tech. With its ability to conform to dynamic surfaces, sense multiple stimuli, and operate without external power, this development could change the way we interact with machines in the future.
Michael Berger By – Michael is author of three books by the Royal Society of Chemistry:
Nano-Society: Pushing the Boundaries of Technology,
Nanotechnology: The Future is Tiny, and
Nanoengineering: The Skills and Tools Making Technology Invisible
Copyright © Nanowerk LLC

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