Nanotechnology Degree Programs in


Showing results 1 - 8 of 8 for university degree programs in France:

A 2-year international course born of the collaboration between three European engineering institutes: Institut national polytechnique de Grenoble (France), cole polytechnique fdrale de Lausanne (Suisse) and Politecnico di Torino (Italy).
The Master of Nanoscale Engineering offers you the opportunity to explore this challenging field in a stimulating scientific and cultural environment. The program is dedicated to a multidisciplinary and international approach and it is suited equally well for students planning an academic or an industrial career. The two-year curriculum provides both the theoretical basis and the practical expertise in all fields related to the fabrication, the characterization and the design of nanoscale structures and systems.
A Master degree program in nanotechnologies and nanobiosciences.
The Master of Nanoscale Engineering offers you the opportunity to explore this challenging field in a stimulating scientific and cultural environment. The program is dedicated to a multidisciplinary and international approach and it is suited equally well for students planning an academic or an industrial career. The two-year curriculum provides both the theoretical basis and the practical expertise in all fields related to the fabrication, the characterization and the design of nanoscale structures and systems.
La spécialité 'Optique et NanoTechnologies' s'appuie principalement sur une des équipes de recherche de l'ICD, le laboratoire de Nanotechnologies et d'Instrumentation Optique. La formation se situe essentiellement dans le domaine des microscopies et spectroscopies optiques à sonde locale et une familiarisation aux autres microscopies. Les principaux thèmes de recherche abordés sont tourn�s vers les nanosciences.
La spécialité Optique et Nanotechnologies (ONT) de la Master Sciences, Technologies et Santé propose une formation principalement dans le domaine des microscopies et spectroscopies optiques à sonde locale et une familiarisation aux autres microscopies (AFM, STM).
This interdisciplinary master programme in physics, chemistry and biology, equips students with in-depths knowledge in their field of study while they are being immersed in an exceptional research environment: the international scientific community of Grenoble which includes the UJF laboratories, the Grenoble INP, the CEA Grenoble, the CNRS and major research centers such as the synchrotron (ESRF) and the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL).
The Micro & Nanotechnology specialty trains professionals and researchers with a good knowledge of industrial applications of microsystems and nanosciences: characterization, manufacturing & integration.