Nanotechnology Research - Universities


Showing results 1 - 10 of 494 of university labs in USA:

The DNI coordinates and develops efforts at Drexel University in the broad and interdisciplinary area of nanoscale science and engineering, including research, undergraduate and graduate education, technology transfer, outreach, and dissemination.
The Biodesign Institute at ASU addresses today?s critical global challenges in healthcare, sustainability and security by developing solutions inspired from natural systems and translating those solutions into commercially viable products and clinical practices.
The primary aim of the Center for Bioelectronics and Biosensors is to create powerful bioassays for point-of-care diagnostics and a variety of advanced handheld, environmental field microanalyzers. By interfacing three advanced technologies - nanomaterials, biomaterials and electronic transducers - the researchers have the ability to create enhanced biosensors and nanobioelectronics.
Designed as a boundary organization at the interface of science and society, CNS-ASU provides an operational model for a new way to organize research through improved reflexiveness and social learning which can signal emerging problems, enable anticipatory governance, and, through improved contextual awareness, guide trajectories of NSE knowledge and innovation toward socially desirable outcomes, and away from undesirable ones.
The purpose of this program is to examine ethical challenges posed by emerging technologies, including nanotechnology, neurotechnology, biotechnology, robotics and advanced information and communication technology.
Professor Kaushal Rege's group is active in various fields of nanobiotechnoloy.
ASU's NanoFab is a flexible foundry, offering state-of-the-art device processing and characterization tools to individuals and companies who need occasional or recurring access to such facilities.
Primary goal of the center is to transfer the technology of validated theory and computational tools from the academic-based Center to the practitioners' development environment which is nanotechnology-based industry.
Berkeley is transitioning the Berkeley Microlab into the Marvell Nanolab.
Nanoscale mineral particles -- nanoparticles -- are naturally formed and removed from the environment by numerous chemical and biological processes. The Center's mission is to uncover the numerous roles played by nanoparticles in geochemical and biogeochemical processes.