Nanotechnology Research - Universities


Showing results 1 - 10 of 21 of university labs in South Korea:

The Department of Chemistry & Nano Science offers a comprehensive program on the fundamentals of chemistry for students who wish to have a background for graduate study in chemistry as well as for students who want a professional job in related fields. The curriculum covers various fields of chemistry including analytical, physical, polymer, organic, inorganic, and bio- chemistry. It also provides an opportunity for research experience in the laboratory throughout the senior year.
Research on fabricating and characterizing nanostructures involving individual molecules, nanoparticles, nanowires, and their arrays and assembling these nano-building blocks into electronic devices.
This program is offered by the College of Engineering.
The group uses polymeric templating, electrospinning, nanomaterials synthetic techniques to explore novel and versatile synthesis routes for producing multi-dimensional nanostructures and various metallic, metal-oxide nanomaterials and nanoinks optimized for applications to energy, environment, and nanoelectronics.
The group's research focuses on condensed-matter physics and materials chemistry of metal phosphates and oxides, and materials design and synthesis for advanced lithium batteries, covering atomic-scale characterization with HREM and STEM, and nanostructure control of materials interfaces.
The group conducts research on bioinspired materials relevant for energy-related nanomaterials.
The group is interested in enhancing device performances by using novel nanotechnologies. They are studying new self-assembly materials forming sub-10 nm nanostructures based on polymers and nanoparticles. Their novel self-assembling systems aim for much superior precision, reliability, and reproducibility that are adequate for large-scale manufacturing of nanoscale devices. Applications include sub-10 nm lithography, information storage devices and energy storage/capture devices.
The group of Professor Jin Kon Kim conducts research in high density data storage, polymerization and membrane with high selectivity using block copolymer nanostructures.
The CSS was established in 1997 to develop new supramolecular assemblies with desired structures, properties and functions by utilizing the principles of molecular recognition and self assembly. Emphasis is placed on the supramolecular systems that can provide the operating principles of molecular switch, molecular memory, and sensor.
Research on the development of new and facile synthetic routes for the formation of functional nanostructures and their applications.