Nanotechnology Research - Universities


Showing results 491 - 494 of 494 of university labs in USA:

Current research and education carried out in this laboratory focus upon the experimental and conceptual study of nanoscaled materials fabricated by Non-lithography process assisted with anodized aluminum oxide (AAO) template.
This research group studies condensed matter systems, often in the solid state, using first principles or ab initio methods. Topics include properties of nanostructures, especially nanowires and nanotubes.
The Mark A. Reed Group at Yale University focuses on research in semiconductor nanowires and devices, quantum electron devices, transport phenomena in semiconductor heterojunction and nanostructured systems, reduced dimensionality effects, resonant tunneling transistors and circuits, novel heterojunction devices, molecular electronics, MEMS, bioMEMS, and nanotechnology.
Quantronics Laboratory (Qlab) explores the world of mesoscopic electronics. Using superconducting electrical circuits and microwave measurement techniques, the group coaxes typically classical degrees of freedom like currents and voltages into quantum mechanical behavior. The present focus is on applications to Quantum Computation.