Nanotechnology Research - Universities


Showing results 431 - 440 of 494 of university labs in USA:

The NNRC is a university-wide user fabrication and metrology center providing state-of-the-art equipment, professional support personnel and infrastructure to enable multidisciplinary research in nanomaterials and nanomanufacturing methods related to fundamental materials science, sensors, actuators, electronics, bio-systems, medical products, optics and integrated nanoscale systems.
The Madhukar Group's research has revolved around electronic response (electrical and optical) of synthesized materials and structures in reduced (two, one, and zero) dimensions and their potential use in electronic and optoelectronic devices for information sensing, processing, imaging and computing technologies. The emphasis for some time has been on three dimensionally confined (i.e. zero dimensional) nanostructures called quantum dots and the scope in recent years has expanded to include biochemical materials (peptides, proteins) and hybrid semiconductor-biomolecular nanostructures for biomedical applications, particularly neural prostheses.
Various centers and research groups that are dealing with nanoscale polymer research.
The group's mission is to develop novel semiconductor materials and devices to address a few issues facing today's semiconductor industry, and more generally, our society. Research focuses on semiconductor surfaces, interfaces, and thin films.
Research at the lab involves the fabrication, characterization and applications of novel magnetic nanostructures, including multilayer films, nanorods, nanodisks and nanotubes.
Nano-Bio-Physics is a new and interdisciplinary program being developed at UTA Physics department. The goal is to develop a strong research and education program among nanotechnology, biotechnology and Physics.
The Nanotechnology Research & Teaching Facility is an interdisciplinary resource open to scientists within and outside of the University. Research activities are conducted through mutually-beneficial associations of chemistry, electrical engineering, mechanical and aerospace engineering, materials science and physics faculty, graduate students and research assistants at UTA, as well as collaborative efforts with investigators at other universities and in the private sector.
The University of Texas at Arlington is home to the preeminent university-based nanotechnology research, development and teaching facility in North Texas.
Research activities in the lab are concerned with basic and applied processing-structure-property relationship with emphasis on nanotechnology and small-scale materials (nano materials, surface treatments and layers, thin films, coatings, materials for MEMS and NEMS and nano devices).
Research activities at the lab are concerned with basic and applied processing-structure-property relationship with emphasis on nanotechnology and small-scale materials (nano materials, surface treatments and layers, thin films, coatings, materials for MEMS and NEMS and nano devices).