Nanotechnology Research - Universities


Showing results 391 - 400 of 494 of university labs in USA:

The group's research deals with nanostructures and nanostructured materials. They seek to expand the science of how to synthesize these materials and engineer their fundamental properties; to create new technology to realize the related chemical, mechanical, and thermal assembly processes; and to pioneer applications which harness the unique properties of nanostructures at small and large scales.
The laboratory focuses on understanding cell function through the development and use of novel micro-, nano-, and molecular-scale technologies.
Researching single molecule biophysics.
Dealing with nanoscale thermal transport.
The MNF is one of the leading centers worldwide on micro electromechanical systems (MEMS) and microsystems. It provides facilities and processes for the integration of Si integrated circuits and MEMS with nanotechnology, with applications in biology, medical systems, chemistry, and environmental monitoring.
The Center for Nanostructure Applications is a focal point for nanotechnology at the University of Minnesota. It's a place where you will be able to find information about faculty engaged in University of Minnesota-specific information such as nano-related research and workshops, as well as announcements on nano related news, calls for proposals, conferences, and other regional and national events.
Funded through the NSF Integrative Graduate Education and Traineeship (IGERT) program
The Center for Spintronic Materials, Interfaces, and Novel Architectures (C-SPIN) is a multi-university research center that will bring together top researchers from across the nation to develop technologies for spin-based computing and memory systems. Unlike today's computers, which function on the basis of electrical charges moving across wires, the emerging spin-based computing systems will process and store information through spin, a fundamental property of electrons. Spin-based logic and memory have the potential to create computers that are smaller, faster and more energy-efficient than conventional charge-based systems. Research conducted by C-SPIN will also have an impact beyond the world of computer science through advances in materials science, chemistry, circuit design, nanotechnology, and many other fields.
An interdisciplinary facility that supports faculty and industrial research within the Institute of Technology to support education, research and industrial collaboration in microelectronics and other related research involving nanofabrication.
PTL is one of the leading centers of small particle research in the U.S.