Nanotechnology Research - Universities


Showing results 381 - 390 of 494 of university labs in USA:

The group's research is centered on techniques for fabricating and characterizing nanometer scale structures, in directing their rapid self-assembly and in using nanometer scale structures to enhance the efficiency of devices which involve their interaction with light.
The CHM's mission is to conduct research in nanotechnology and to foster the development of new advances from laboratory innovation to manufacturable components and devices.
MassNanoTech, the research institute for nanotechnology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, coordinates research on nanoscale materials, devices and systems, collaborates with industry, advances nanotechnology commercialization, educates students, and fosters outreach activities.
The research of Rotello's group at the University of Massachusetts focuses on the area of supramolecular chemistry: the study and application of non-covalent interactions. These interactions include hydrogen bonding, aromatic stacking and other electrostatic attractions and repulsions. We are currently employing these concepts of molecular recognition to explore a wide range of important questions in areas of biology to materials chemistry.
CHN focuses on generating knowledge and innovations in the area of template-directed assembly at high-rate, high yield nanomanufacturing. CHN represents a unique center structure, with three universities -- UMass Lowell, Northeastern University, and University of New Hampshire -- forming an equal partnership.
Mission: To lead the research effort in high throughput, environmentally-friendly processing of polymeric materials, devices, and structures and integration of other materials and devices with polymers with nanoscale control; To serve as a focal point and resource for transfer of nanoscience and nanotechnology to industrial application; To facilitate educational and outreach efforts related to nanotechnology and specifically nanomanufacturing.
The mission of the Keck Nanostructures Laboratory is to provide access to material characterization equipment, technical support, training and consultation, as well as to perform a range of services for users in the area of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS), Variable Angle Spectrocopic Elliposmetry (VASE) and Optical Microscopy.
The Kopelman Laboratory at the University of Michigan is working on Autonomous Nano-Devices for Biomedical Applications
Research in the Glotzer group focuses on understanding why and how ordered structures emerge in otherwise disordered soft materials and nanoscale systems -- and how to design and control novel, functional structures from nanoscale building blocks using unconventional methods. Our tools for discovery include molecular, mesoscale, and multiscale computer simulations.
The LNF is available, on a fee basis, for use by research groups from government, industry and universities. Equipment and processes are available for research on silicon integrated circuits, MEMS, III-V compound devices, organic devices and nanoimprint technology.