Nanotechnology Research - Universities


Showing results 341 - 350 of 494 of university labs in USA:

The Master of Science in Nanotechnology program provides students with scientific knowledge and research training in nanoscience and nanotechnology. The program prepares students for seeking employment in industry and academia involved in nanotechnology research, product development and commercialization, or to pursue advanced Ph.D. degrees in related areas.
The NSTC applies multidisciplinary expertise in nanoscale science and technology to problems of regional, state, and national significance.
The Professional Science Master's in Nanotechnology program at the University of Central Florida provides students with scientific education in nanotechnology and professional training in business and technology venture. This program incorporates both the higher level scientific content and business and entrepreneurial components that are necessary to drive innovative ideas in nanotechnology product development. The curriculum culminates with an internship that will provide work experience for each student.
The BS degree program in Molecular Engineering offers undergraduates a cutting-edge engineering curriculum built on a strong foundation in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology. Courses are designed to develop quantitative reasoning and problem-solving skills; to introduce engineering analysis of physical, chemical, and biological systems; and to address open-ended technological questions across a spectrum of disciplines.
The Institute's mission is to translate advances in basic physics, chemistry, biology and computation into new tools to address important societal problems and, to create a research and teaching environment to enhance and transmit these capabilities from scientific generation to generation.
Nanoscience research
Recently the NanoLab has focused much of it's attention on photonic applications of rare-earth luminescence in semiconductors and glasses.
The UC Nanoworld and Smart Materials and Devices Laboratories are an interdepartmental research laboratory group which includes faculty from Mechanical Engineering, Materials Engineering, Chemistry, Aerospace Engineering and the UC Medical School. The labs develop innovative smart materials, sensors and devices by intersecting the various disciplines of science and engineering. The main concentration of research is in the Nanotechnology, Biomimetics, Composites and Smart Structures fields.
The Center for Magnetism and Magnetic Nanostructures is dedicated to the study of magnetic phenomena, particularly in ultra-small magnetic structures. The current research of the Center is concentrated on understanding and manipulating high frequency electromagnetic waves (10-80 GHz) using structured magnetic materials. This is particularly important because there are "windows" in this frequency range where electromagnetic waves can penetrate fog and smoke. These windows could allow the landing of planes in poor weather through radar guidance, for example.
The group's research is focusing on the fabrication, design and properties of ultrathin films and nanostructures. They are developing new surface chemistries for thin film growth, measuring thin film nanostructures and characterizing thin film properties.