Nanotechnology Research - Universities


Showing results 291 - 300 of 494 of university labs in USA:

This first-of-its-kind dual degree program provides pioneering education and training in both medicine and nanoscale science research, preparing a new generation of professionals for exciting 21st century careers as world-class research physicians in the emerging science and practice of nanomedicine.
CNSE's Nanoscale Engineering program provides corresponding skill and expertise in the design, fabrication, and integration of nanoscale devices, structures, and systems for the development and deployment of emerging nanotechnologies.
CNSE's Nanoscale Engineering program provides corresponding skill and expertise in the design, fabrication, and integration of nanoscale devices, structures, and systems for the development and deployment of emerging nanotechnologies.
CNSE's Nanoscale Science program provides the critical theoretical and experimental skill base and know-how for knowledge creation in the areas of nanoscale materials, structures, and architectures.
CNSE's Nanoscale Science program provides the critical theoretical and experimental skill base and know-how for knowledge creation in the areas of nanoscale materials, structures, and architectures.
Theories of the electrical and mechanical properties of nanostructures - and how to fabricate them.
Sharing the brain power of academic and corporate partners throughout the State of Arkansas, the Nanotechnology Center is a state-of-the-art, user-oriented facility focused on education, research, and economic development.
The Institute for Nanoscience and Engineering has a group of facilities that is unique among universities, including scanning tunneling microscopy, atomic force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectric spectroscopy, a focus ion beam, scanning electron microscopy, electrical and magnetic characterization, single molecule/particle spectroscopy, auger spectroscopy, X-ray, Fourrier transform infrared spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. In addition, the institute benefits from the use of the High Performance Supercomputing Facility on campus.
Nanoscience at UA
Prof. Hugh Churchill's experimental research group combines physics, materials science, and electrical engineering to fabricate and measure nanoscale electronic and optoelectronic quantum devices.