Nanotechnology Research - Universities


Showing results 271 - 280 of 494 of university labs in USA:

The bachelor's degree in nanoscale science offers an academically rigorous preparation for students intending to pursue scientific, technical, or professional careers in nanotechnology-enabled fields or graduate studies in nanoscale engineering or nanoscale science, as well as other physical sciences or interdisciplinary sciences such as materials science, physics, biophysics, chemistry or biochemistry.
The Nanoscale Engineering program offers an academically rigorous preparation for students intending to pursue scientific, technical, or professional careers in nanotechnology-enabled fields or graduate studies in nanoscale engineering or nanoscale science, as well as other physical sciences or interdisciplinary sciences such as materials science, physics, biophysics, chemistry or biochemistry.
The MS in Nanobioscience program trains students in the principles, practices, and research paradigms of nanobioscience to prepare them for interdisciplinary careers in research, development, deployment and education at the convergence of medicine and life science with nanoscale science and engineering.
The Nanoscale Engineering program offers an academically rigorous preparation for students intending to pursue scientific, technical, or professional careers in nanotechnology-enabled fields or graduate studies in nanoscale engineering or nanoscale science, as well as other physical sciences or interdisciplinary sciences such as materials science, physics, biophysics, chemistry or biochemistry.
Combining the nano research at A&M.
The group's research spans diverse fields, including materials science, chemistry, stem cells biology and additive biomanufacturing. Specifically, the lab is developing biomimetic nanomaterials with native interface tissue-like gradient in physical and chemical properties, integrating advanced micro- and nano- fabrication technologies to mimic native interface tissue architecture and directing stem cell behavior to obtain regionalized tissue constructs in vitro and in vivo.
The PNC Lab is the research group of Professor Jaime Grunlan and is interested in nanostructure and microstructure of particle-polymer systems.
The Nanomaterials Application Center coordinates, facilitates, and participates in nanoscience and nanoengineering applications and expedites commercialization of inventions.
MIT's Center for Bits and Atoms is an ambitious interdisciplinary initiative that is looking beyond the end of the Digital Revolution to ask how a functional description of a system can be embodied in, and abstracted from, a physical form.
For their projects, the group designs miniaturized nano-enabled sensors for the health and the environment; low power circuits that can operate at a fraction of a volt; imagers that can see the invisible terahertz band and even detect fluorescence (lifetime) that vanish in less than a nanosecond.