Nanotechnology Research - Universities


Showing results 241 - 250 of 494 of university labs in USA:

The SMA programme in AMM&NS provides a unique and innovative educational opportunity for graduate students interested in careers in industry and research. Through a combination of cutting-edge research and a sound understanding of the principles of materials, graduates are poised to accept high-level positions as leaders in development of electronic, electromechanical, magnetic, photonic, and biomedical devices and systems, especially those based on integrated systems of micro- and nano-scale devices.
The primary research objective of CAAN is to conduct research in nanotechnology with a strong potential for commercialization. The research to be conducted will be focused in areas of current expertise, namely, nanoparticles and associated aspects of nanosensors.
The Nano Ph.D. program offers a research-intensive degree focused on nanoscience and nanotechnology, with an emphasis on nano-scale materials. A multi-disciplinary core curriculum is taken by students from diverse science and engineering backgrounds. These 'core' courses are intended to introduce students to contemporary topics in nanoscience and nanotechnology, and to initiate a cross-disciplinary approach to research and learning.
The research group of MinJun Kim is active in research covering a wide variety of topics, including: Microbiorobotics, Soft robotics, Single molecule biophysics, Single cell analysis, Micro/nanofluidics.
Professor Wang and his group are engaged in the research of magnetic nanotechnology, biosensors, spintronics, integrated inductors and information storage. They use modern thin-film growth techniques and lithography to engineer new electromagnetic materials and devices and to study their behavior at nanoscale and at very high frequencies. His group is investigating magnetic nanoparticles, high saturation soft magnetic materials, giant magnetoresistance spin valves, magnetic tunnel junctions, and spin electronic materials, with applications in cancer nanotechnology, in vitro diagnostics, rapid radiation triage, spin-based information processing, efficient energy conversion and storage, and extremely high-density magnetic recording.
The Stanford Nanocharacterization Laboratory (SNL), housed within the Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials , is being set up to provide modern facilities for the characterization of material
The Stanford Nanoelectronics Group was founded in September 2004 by Professor H.-S. Philip Wong. The group's research interests are in nanoscale science and technology, semiconductor technology, solid state devices, and electronic imaging. The group is interested in exploring new materials, novel fabrication techniques, and novel device concepts for future nanoelectronic systems.
The goal of the Stanford Nanofabrication Facility is to provide researchers with effective and efficient access to advanced nanofabrication equipment and expertise
The research at Bao's laboratory at Stanford's Department of Chemical Engineering are centered on using chemical and chemical engineering approaches towards the formation of functional nano- and microstructures with novel electronic and photonic properties.
The CCNE's goal is goal is to develop and validate nanotechnology so that one will eventually be able to predict which patients will likely respond to a specific anti-cancer therapy and to monitor their response to therapy.