Nanotechnology Research - Universities


Showing results 191 - 200 of 494 of university labs in USA:

The central theme of the group's research program is the development and application of cutting-edge bio- and nano- technologies and ultrasensitive analytical methodologies to address fundamental and practical questions in chemical, biochemical and biomedical research.
The 2DCC-MIP is a national user facility, supported by the National Science Foundation, that is focused on the development of two dimensional (2D) chalcogenides for applications in next generation electronics beyond silicon for digital circuits and flexible electronics. These materials include 2D transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) films that are only a few atoms thick, topological insulator (TI) bismuth chalcogenide films that only conduct on the 2D surface, and multilayers of dissimilar chalcogenide films whose properties are dominated by 2D interfaces.
PennState's Center for Nanoscale Science was established as an NSF Materials Research Science and Engineering Center to carry out interdiciplinary and eductaional outreach in the areas of Molecular nanofabrication, Biomolecular Motors, and Collective Phenomena in Restricted Geometries
CNEU is the home of the Pennsylvania Nanofabrication Manufacturing Technology (NMT) Partnership and the National Science Foundation (NSF) Regional Center for Nanofabrication Manufacturing Education
The mission of the Center for Two Dimensional and Layered Materials is to conduct leading international and multidisciplinary research on 2D layered materials aiming at finding new phenomena and applications, that could be transformed into high impact products. The center offers a unique, vertically integrated research education to graduate and undergraduate students, with extremely valuable components including state-of-the-art infrastructure, and research environment.
The Penn State Nanofab offers expertise in 'top-down' (e.g. deposition, etching) and 'bottom up' (e.g. self-assembling films) nanofabrication.
The Center for Nanoscale Science is a Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) supported by the National Science Foundation. The Center supports collaborative, interdisciplinary research efforts in the area of nanoscale materials. The research themes are focused broadly on nanomaterial synthesis and fabrication, complex oxide thin films, nano- and micro-motors, low-dimensional electronic nanostructures, and integrated optical metamaterials.
The mission of the Center for Two Dimensional and Layered Materials is to conduct leading international and multidisciplinary research on 2D layered materials aiming at finding new phenomena and applications, that could be transformed into high impact products. The center offers a unique, vertically integrated research education to graduate and undergraduate students, with extremely valuable components including state-of-the-art infrastructure, and research environment.
The Mallouk group at PennState takes a building block or 'Lego' approach to the synthesis of interesting inorganic materials from the bottom up. Some of this research is very fundamental in nature and is designed to learn the rules of assembly of objects on the nanometer and micron length scales.
Prof. Donghai Wang's Energy Nanostructure Laboratory (E-Nano) focuses on nanomaterial development for clean energy technologies, such as batteries, solar cells, fuel cells, and environmental remediation.