Nanotechnology Research - Universities


Showing results 181 - 190 of 494 of university labs in USA:

The group harnesses molecular recognition and self-assembly processes in template-directed protocols for the synthesis of functionalized and mechanized molecules, prior to their being introduced into integrated nanosystems.
The Stupp laboratory at Northwestern University
A fundamental question to be addressed in the group's research is how we can learn from biological systems in nature, especially at the micro/nano-scale, in order to engineer biocompatible nanomaterials and further develop innovative robotic systems that are capable of interfacing with molecular and cellular systems for advanced therapeutics and tissue engineering applications, and for swimming efficiently in fluidic environment.
The goal of the center is to create devices that will make diagnosing, treating and managing diseases easier, less expensive and more effective.
EMNLAB is a group within the physical electronics branch of Electrical Engineering at The Ohio State University. The group focuses on using a wide array of analysis, processing, and growth techniques to investigate the surface, interface, and ultrathin film properties of semiconductors.
The group's research is focused on the computational analysis of the flow, heat and mass transfer in micro and nano fluidic systerms. Current research projects include modeling of an implantable artifical kidney, DNA translocation in nanopores and fundamental issues associated with bio-sensing.
A major nanoprobe laboratory with a focus on bio/nanotechnology and biomimetics was organized in July 1991 with the initial financial support from the state of Ohio and The Ohio State University. More than 5700 square feet of laboratory space was made available for this purpose. The laboratory is populated with the modern scientific equipment needed to conduct state-of-the-art research.
ENCOMM NanoSystems Laboratory is operated by the OSU Center for Electronic and Magnetic Nanoscale Composite Multifunctional Materials. Its goal is to provide academic and industrial users with access to advanced material characterization and fabrication tools for research and development applications.
The center facility for nanotech research at Ohio State.
Nanoscale research at Ohio University's Department of Physics.