Nanotechnology Research - Universities


Showing results 101 - 110 of 494 of university labs in USA:

Professor Bowen's research interests are centered around clusters and nanoparticles. A major objective of Dr. Bowen's research is to provide a molecule's eye view of many-body, condensed phase interactions. The study of size-specific and composition-specific clusters provides an incisive means of addressing this fundamental and longstanding problem in physical chemistry.
The Institute for Nanobiotechnology has been established at Hopkins to bring together expertise from the fields of nanotechnology, biotechnology, biology, medicine, and engineering to enable the creation of new knowledge and new technologies.
The School's Engineering Programs for Professionals offers the Nanotechnology Option with the Master of Materials Science and Engineering program. Within the option, students can pursue a concentration in nanomaterials or biotechnology.
The Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering (JSNN) has been formed through a collaboration between North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. JSNN's research and educational programs focus on the emerging areas of nanoscience and nanoengineering. The strengths of the two universities in the basic sciences and in engineering make them ideal partners for this new, interdisciplinary school.
The Master of Science in Nanoengineering degree program is a research Master's degree, featuring coursework involving engineering at the nanoscale. It is designed for students with a strong background in engineering who seek additional, specialized training in order to find industrial or government positions in fields that utilize nanotechnology. Qualified applicants will have an engineering degree and as a minimum, will have completed mathematics courses through differential equations.
The 33-hour, non-thesis MS in nanoscience follows the Professional Master of Science degree model, featuring course work in nanosciences and business and an internship to provide practical experience. It is designed for students with strong backgrounds in technical fields who seek additional specialized training to qualify them for positions in companies that work in the field of nanotechnology.
The Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering has been approved it?s Ph.D. in Nanoengineering by the UNC-GA. Program details to come stay tuned.
The Ph.D. in nanoscience requires a minimum of 60 hours and is designed to prepare students to take positions in industrial, governmental, or academic research settings by providing a solid background in nanoscience theory and experimental techniques through course work and dissertation research. Advanced elective courses in nanoscience areas ensure students will have substantial depth of understanding in their area of interest and enable them to effectively carry out advanced nanoscience research.
The Center develops a rigorous research focus on using sustainable agriculture-based nanomaterials which could lead to breakthrough discoveries in the treatment and diagnosis of animal diseases, improve food safety, as well as interface closely with the infectious disease community supporting NBAF research initiatives.
The central scientific focus of the Kavli Institute at Cornell is to ddress the major challenges and opportunities for science at the atomic and molecular scale.