Nanotechnology Research - Initiatives and Networks in


Showing results 11 - 20 of 28 for networks and initiatives in Germany:

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) is the central self-governing organisation of science and research in Germany. As a publicly funded research foundation, the DFG's defined mission is to fund and promote all fields of science and the humanities. Major research focus is on nanotechnology.
GRADE is a three-year STREP proposal focused on advanced RTD activities necessary to demonstrate the proof-of-concept of novel graphene-based electronic devices operating at terahertz (THz) frequencies.
(German language site) An initiative to support nanotechnology activities from the Ministry of Economy of the German state Hesse.
An international association of companies and institutes in the field of microtechnology, nanotechnology and advanced materials.
The JONAS Research Network (Joint Research Network on Advanced Materials and Systems) incorporates four European partners: the I.S.I.S. Institute at Strasbourg University, Freiburg University, and ETH Zurich -�as academic partners, and BASF SE, as the industry partner. The close cooperation of three leading European universities with BASF enables all partners to�extend the scientific basis and their understanding of future materials and systems.
MAFIN aimed at developing a new magnetic recording media at prove-of-concept level for ultrahigh density magnetic storage applications, by using low-cost, environmentally friendly processes and both advanced and new nanotechnologies. The MAFIN project successfully ended in May 2009. Reserach on magnetic storage is continued within the TERAMAGSTOR project.
N2P - Flexible Production Technologies and Equipment based on Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Processing for 3D Nano Structured Surfaces. This project will develop innovative in-line high throughput technologies based on atmospheric pressure surface and plasma technologies. The two identified approaches to direct 3D nanostructuring are etching for manufacturing of nanostructures tailored for specific applications, and coating.
A German initiative to promote the entrepreneurial autonomy of young scientists in nanotechnologies.
The focus is on basic research in the three areas of metal-, semiconductor-, and molecular/atomic-based spintronics with the visionary goal of developing nanoscale spintronic devices based on a detailed knowledge of the underlying atomistic spin-dependent interactions and processes.
A career network for young female scientists involved in the fields of nanotechnologies.