An Introduction to Nanotechnology seminar

(Nanowerk News) NanoCentral® will be holding a seminar, "An Introduction to Nanotechnology", on the afternoon of 7th June at the Hotel Russell in London, UK.
The seminar is specifically designed for those interested in the potential of nanotechnology but with little previous involvement and those who are seeking to understand what nanotechnology can do to promote business growth. It is intended to be informal, interactive and promote a commercial vision for nanomaterials and nanotechnology. The seminar is designed to explain why companies should get involved with nanotechnology as well as what the best approach to enter this sector is.
Representatives from nanotechnology companies and investors will bepresent to detail their first hand experience in order to exemplify the opportunities offered by this field.
The seminar will be followed by a well established 2-day conference – NanoMaterials2011, coorganised by NanoCentral and IntertechPira. The conference is dedicated to those that already operate in the nanotechnology field and will once again examine the commercialisation of nanotechnology in Europe by leading industry players.
Source: NanoCentral