Posted: July 20, 2010

CNSE and CMOST to host Summer NanoCamp as part of 'Girls in Science and Technology' program

(Nanowerk News) The effort to interest young women in the fields of science and technology received a boost on July 20 through a partnership between the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering ("CNSE") of the University at Albany and the Children's Museum of Science and Technology ("CMOST") that showcased the exciting world of nanotechnology.
As part of CMOST's "Girls in Science and Technology" camp, CNSE and CMOST jointly presented a Summer NanoCamp at CNSE's Albany NanoTech Complex, which provided an introduction to the emerging science of nanotechnology and a window into how it will shape the future.
Participants received an introductory presentation on nanotechnology; toured CNSE's world-class Albany NanoTech Complex, a $5.5 billion megaplex that is the most advanced in the academic world; and had the opportunity to engage in several hands-on activities, including demonstrating nanoscale water purification, building polymer chains, and experimenting with model fuel-cell cars and solar photovoltaic panels.
Source: CNSE