Nanotechnology Research – Universities


(Links listed alphabetically)

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Showing results 26 - 31 of 31 for university labs starting with B:

IMNI administers a state-of-the-art equipment infrastructure that consists of four facilities: Electron Microscopy Facility (EMF), Nanofabrication Central Facility (NCF), NanoTools Facility (NTF), and the Joint Engineering & Physics Instrument Shop (JEPIS). These facilities provide access to advanced instrumentation and specialized services that allow researchers to engage in matters of a broad scope and complexity.
Among other areas research into micro- and nanofabrication and nanoscience.
The R. Hurt laboratory at Brown focuses on the creation of 3D nanomaterial architectures and new nano-enabled technologies. They also study the potential adverse effects of emerging 2D nanomaterials on human health and the environment and work to identify safe design rules rooted in fundamental materials chemistry and physics that will enable their successful development and commercialization.
Research and education carried out in this laboratory are associated with the experimental, computational and conceptual study of nanomechnics and micromechanics of materials
Nanofabrication manufacturing technology relates to the creation of microscopic structures. This technology is the basis of such diverse areas as computer chip manufacturing, flat panel displays and large scale solar power arrays used in space exploration, biological implants, medicine and pharmaceuticals. Rapid growth in these industries has created a strong demand for technicians with training in the intricacies of nanofabrication techniques and clean room procedures. Students enrolling in either program will spend three semesters on BCCC campus and the final capstone semester on Penn State campus.
Nanofabrication manufacturing technology relates to the creation of microscopic structures. This technology is the basis of such diverse areas as computer chip manufacturing, flat panel displays and large scale solar power arrays used in space exploration, biological implants, medicine and pharmaceuticals. Rapid growth in these industries has created a strong demand for technicians with training in the intricacies of nanofabrication techniques and clean room procedures. Students enrolling in either program will spend three semesters on BCCC campus and the final capstone semester on Penn State campus.