Nanotechnology Research – Universities


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Showing results 226 - 250 of 1159

The Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering has been approved it?s Ph.D. in Nanoengineering by the UNC-GA. Program details to come stay tuned.
The Ph.D. in nanoscience requires a minimum of 60 hours and is designed to prepare students to take positions in industrial, governmental, or academic research settings by providing a solid background in nanoscience theory and experimental techniques through course work and dissertation research. Advanced elective courses in nanoscience areas ensure students will have substantial depth of understanding in their area of interest and enable them to effectively carry out advanced nanoscience research.
This MSc degree is offered by the Nanotechnology Institute at the Jordan University of Science and Technology.
Aimed to offer and develop nanotechnology-based solutions that will serve the best interest of Jordan and its society in a variety of ways.
The Center develops a rigorous research focus on using sustainable agriculture-based nanomaterials which could lead to breakthrough discoveries in the treatment and diagnosis of animal diseases, improve food safety, as well as interface closely with the infectious disease community supporting NBAF research initiatives.
The Institute of Nanotechnology (INT) was founded in 1998 on the initiative of Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe and the Universities of Karlsruhe and Strasbourg. The institute aims at performing research in selected fields of nanotechnology on a worldwide accepted level.
Research topics: Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals, Optical Near-Field Spectroscopy.
The Center aims to stimulate nanoscience and microsystems technology activity in Lithuania and Baltic region by participating in European and global networks, research projects and by dissemination of information.
The central scientific focus of the Kavli Institute at Cornell is to ddress the major challenges and opportunities for science at the atomic and molecular scale.
The PMNP Laboratory (Yan research group) is interested in high-accuracy, high-efficiency, resource-saving manufacturing technologies. Through micro/nanometer-scale material removal, deformation, and surface property control, new products with high added value are provided to micromechanical, optical, optoelectronic, and biomechanical applications. The group is exploring multidisciplinary R&D by interfacing with mechanical science, physics, material science and nanotechnology.
The research in the group involves the development and applications of advanced photonic technologies and of novel nanomaterials to address modern challenges in photonic and quantum technologies, new nanostructured materials, sensing, imaging and clean energy. The group adopts an interdisciplinary approach to provide leading-edge research in optical, mechanical and structural properties of nanostructures and nanoparticles.
Gain experience of research in the rapidly developing interdisciplinary areas of biophotonics, nanomaterials and nanophotonics, X-ray physics and computational modelling. Consists of taught components plus a research project. Ideal preparation for a higher physics degree or careers in scientific research or the financial sector.
Major research topics are Optical Properties of Mesoscopic Particles; Fabrication and Characterization of Novel Carbonaceous Nano-Materials; Surface Plasmon and Near-Field Optics; and Optical Waveguides and Other Photonic Devices
The group uses polymeric templating, electrospinning, nanomaterials synthetic techniques to explore novel and versatile synthesis routes for producing multi-dimensional nanostructures and various metallic, metal-oxide nanomaterials and nanoinks optimized for applications to energy, environment, and nanoelectronics.
The group's research focuses on condensed-matter physics and materials chemistry of metal phosphates and oxides, and materials design and synthesis for advanced lithium batteries, covering atomic-scale characterization with HREM and STEM, and nanostructure control of materials interfaces.
The group conducts research on bioinspired materials relevant for energy-related nanomaterials.
The group is interested in enhancing device performances by using novel nanotechnologies. They are studying new self-assembly materials forming sub-10 nm nanostructures based on polymers and nanoparticles. Their novel self-assembling systems aim for much superior precision, reliability, and reproducibility that are adequate for large-scale manufacturing of nanoscale devices. Applications include sub-10 nm lithography, information storage devices and energy storage/capture devices.
The Master's Programme in Nanotechnology provides a solid background in solid state physics, semiconductor devices, materials science and design, microelectronics, materials chemistry and an introduction to biotechnology. It offers a broad range of fundamental courses, e.g., quantum mechanics and solid state physics, but the programme is also experimentally oriented and provides several laboratory exercises as well as practical experience from advanced research tools for materials and device characterization.
Materials science has traditionally been an important research area at KTH with strong ties to the Swedish industry. In addition to the internationally highly competitive research in traditional materials, KTH has strong research in nanoscience and nanotechnology, which is used to study and tailor material structures.
Research on quantum Josephson circuits, nanostructured proteins and spintronics.
The lab tries to construct and establish a new concept of semiconductor materials research, that is, semiconductor exciton photonics. Research includes growth techniques for low dimensional or nano-scale structures by atomic-scale controlling of surfaces and interfaces together with excitonic and photonic properties.
Research in the group involves searching for new optoelectrical phenomenons in atomic structures, which result from new quantum phenomenons as well as the co-existence of light and electrons. Design of new optoelectronics devices.
Research areas include Parallel Processors, Super-Scalar Technology, Nano-Fabrication Technology, High Speed Devices, Smart Sensors, Interconnection Technology and Micromachining.
The research activities of this group focus on creating, understanding and controlling materials on the scale of nanometres. We have a strong focus on surface science, in particular, exploring chemical and molecular properties and processes at surfaces and at interfaces.
The Nanotechnology / Science double degree program aims to provide students with a broad education in disciplines that will underpin the science and technology, in particular nanotechnology, in the coming years. Our double degree course structure provides full coverage of subject areas, avoiding the compromises of shorter niche degrees where the supporting sciences are reduced to include the nanotechnology units.