Nanotechnology Research Laboratories


Showing results 71 - 80 of 593 of research organizations in USA:

The Nanoscale Electronics and Sensor Laboratory (NESL) is currently focused on five major research areas: Epitaxial Graphene based Sensors; MEMS sensors; Nanowire based MEMS sensors and electronics; Implantable sensors for biomedical application; Scanning probe characterization.
Research into interfaces, surfaces, and thin films is one of the most active areas of research.
The research of the Brus group is in the physical chemistry of materials, interfaces, nanocrystals, and nanotubes, especially in relation to optical and electronic properties.
The CNI Shared Facilities are open to student and faculty researchers, as well as those from government, start-ups, and industry. The Clean Room offers a comprehensive set of tools for microfabrication and nanofabrication. The Materials Characterization Laboratory and the Electron Microscopy Laboratory offer state-of-the-art instruments for chemical and structural characterization of materials.
Main research interests include Raman Scattering and other Optical Spectroscopy of Nanocrystals and Electric-field Assisted Assembly of Nanomaterial Films.
The Center aims to advance understanding of cellular mechanical biology in order to develop technologies for regenerative medicine and advance immunotherapy.
Subjects of research encompass physical sciences, life sciences, and engineering, particularly with inter-disciplinary emphasis
The Craighead research group at Cornell focuses on creating nanoscale devices using established and newly-developed techniques. A major motivation is to develop methods to pattern, sort, and analyze biological materials.
KIC creates new techniques to image and dynamically control nanoscale systems and uses these techniques to push the frontiers of nanoscale science. KIC's measurement-oriented mission complements existing strengths at Cornell in nanofabrication.
The McEuen Group runs the Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics at Cornell. Reaerch focus is on proberties of carbon nanotubes, SPM of nanostructures, single molecule electronics and applications of nanoelectronics in chemistry and biology