Nanotechnology Research Laboratories


Showing results 561 - 570 of 593 of research organizations in USA:

The NSF-sponsored Materials Research Science and Engineering Center at the University of Wisconsin ? Madison (UW MRSEC) is focused on the fundamental study of the structure and properties of interfaces at the nanoscale level of atoms and molecules. It is doing so across a wide array of materials platforms, from inorganic semiconducting materials to liquid crystals with engineered defects.
The National Science Foundation established the Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center at the University of Wisconsin - Madison to explore the self-assembly of complex materials and building blocks at the nanoscale and develop the means of communicating advances in nanotechnology to the public.
The group's research focuses on novel nanomaterial growth and nanodevice development for advanced nanoelectronic systems and energy harvesting.
Soft Materials Laboratory is a multidisciplinary research team dedicated to understanding bionanomaterials, living polymerization, carbon recovery, polyionics, and molecular energy systems; the soft condensed matter province of physical and life sciences.
Nanotechnology has both applications and implications for the environment. EPA is supporting research in this technology while evaluating its regulatory responsibility to protect the environment and human health. This site highlights EPA's research in nanotechnology and provides useful information on related research at EPA and in other organizations.
The US Food and Drug Administration regulates a wide range of products, including foods, cosmetics, drugs, devices, and veterinary products, some of which may utilize nanotechnology or contain nanomaterials.
Strategic Research Areas are: To achieve dramatic, innovative enhancements in the properties and performance of structures, materials, and devices that have controllable features on the nanometer scale.
The lab is focused on the creative design of energy storage platforms that be integrated into technology and/or replace fossil fuels. Central to everything they do is the development of new materials that are engineered at nanometer length scales, and developed using scalable and cost-effective approaches. This has far-reaching applications spanning aerospace systems, robotics, smart buildings, flexible electronics, and more.
The Vanderbilt Institute of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (VINSE) is a University institute focused on new science and technology based on nanoscale materials.
The research group of Cary Pint focuses on topics ranging across nanomaterials, energy storage, energy harvesting, sustainability, and water purification/desalination.