Nanotechnology Research Laboratories


Showing results 41 - 50 of 593 of research organizations in USA:

Nanofabrication manufacturing technology relates to the creation of microscopic structures. This technology is the basis of such diverse areas as computer chip manufacturing, flat panel displays and large scale solar power arrays used in space exploration, biological implants, medicine and pharmaceuticals. Rapid growth in these industries has created a strong demand for technicians with training in the intricacies of nanofabrication techniques and clean room procedures. Students enrolling in either program will spend three semesters on BCCC campus and the final capstone semester on Penn State campus.
Nanofabrication manufacturing technology relates to the creation of microscopic structures. This technology is the basis of such diverse areas as computer chip manufacturing, flat panel displays and large scale solar power arrays used in space exploration, biological implants, medicine and pharmaceuticals. Rapid growth in these industries has created a strong demand for technicians with training in the intricacies of nanofabrication techniques and clean room procedures. Students enrolling in either program will spend three semesters on BCCC campus and the final capstone semester on Penn State campus.
The California Institute of Nanotechnology's mission is to conduct research and development and provide professional education and training in the frontier of nanotechnology to meet the needs of the emerging industry for the benefit of the society. The institute conducts advanced and applied research in nanotechnology to help solve major problems facing mankind such as diseases, shortage of energy and global environmental issues.
In partnership with the International Association of Nanotechnology, the Institute has received funding by a grant from United States Department of Labor to develop curriculum and provide technical training programs to business executives, professional managers and dislocated workers in nanotechnology.
The Atwater research group at Caltech is engaged in interdisciplinary materials and device research, spanning photonics and electronics and with applications in Si-based photonics, plasmonics, renewable energy and mechanically active thin film devices.
Research covers nanobiotechnology, nanophotonics and large-scale integration of nanosystems.
The objectives of the MSC are to develop methods required for first principles multiscale multi-paradigm based predictions of the structures and properties of proteins, DNA, polymers, ceramics, metal alloys, semiconductors, organometallics and to apply these methods to design new materials for pharma, catalysis, microelectronics, nanotechnology, and superconductors.
In the Molecular Programming Project (MPP) at the California Institute of Technology and the University of Washington, scientists will develop new computer science principles for programming information-bearing molecules like DNA and RNA to create artificial biomolecular programs of similar complexity.
The group is primarily interested in the design, fabrication and characterization nano-scale photonic and fluidic devices and systems.
Motivated by the goal of encoding arbitrary mechanical function into nucleic acid sequences, the lab is working to develop computational algorithms for the analysis and design of equilibrium and kinetic properties of nucleic acid systems. In the laboratory, we are focused on constructing molecular sensors, transducers and motors for therapeutic, bioimaging, and transport applications.