Nanotechnology Research Laboratories


Showing results 21 - 30 of 593 of research organizations in USA:

Nanoscale mineral particles -- nanoparticles -- are naturally formed and removed from the environment by numerous chemical and biological processes. The Center's mission is to uncover the numerous roles played by nanoparticles in geochemical and biogeochemical processes.
The Berkeley Nanosciences and Nanoengineering Institute (BNNI) is the umbrella organization for expanding and coordinating Berkeley research and educational activities in nanoscale science and engineering.
BSAC is the National Science Foundation Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Microsensors and Microactuators, conducting industry-relevant, interdisciplinary research on micro- and nano-scale sensors, moving mechanical elements, microfluidics, materials, and processes that take advantage of progress made in integrated-circuit, bio, and polymer technologies.
The Nanofabrication Laboratory, a multi-user facility at Binghamton University, supports micro- and nanoscale research by providing state-of-the-art resources. The lab boasts 1,150 square feet of Class 1000 cleanroom space.
Researchers at the Nanomechanics Laboratory seek to use the state of the art nanoscale experimental characterization techniques to study the fundamental properties of nanostructures, nanoscale interactions, and nano devices, and pursue their applications.
The mission of the group is to provide a rewarding and nourishing atmosphere of hands-on cutting edge research for students to develop and grow professionally and technically and use as an opportunity to springboard to a professional career that will benefit them and society.
The central theme of the group's research is the exploration of quantum mechanical effects in engineered nanoscale structures and devices with a goal to study fundamental physical phenomena.
Research focuses on mechanical and electronic systems at the nanometer length scale. The group has state-of-the-art facilities where nanodevices can be fabricated and characterized.
The Nanoscale Energy-Fluids Transport (NEFT) laboratory experimentally studies energy and fluids transport at the nanoscale. Current investigations include: Exploring anomalous transport phenomenon in 1-D or 2-D confined nanochannels; Enhancing ion/molecule transport in batteries and fuel cells using nanostructured materials; Improving phase-change heat transfer based on patterned micro/nanostructures; Developing new nanofluidic devices for biomolecule sensing and separation.
The Center serves as a hub for nanoscience researchers from the Charles River and Medical Campuses and build activities that develop interdisciplinary research and training.