Nanotechnology Research Laboratories


Showing results 251 - 260 of 593 of research organizations in USA:

The research of the Mirkin Research Group at Northwestern focuses on developing methods for controlling the architecture of molecules and materials on the 1-100 nm length scale, and utilizing such structures in the development of analytical tools that can be used in the areas of chemical and biological sensing, lithography, catalysis, and optics.
The group's vision is to develop innovative technologies that harness biomolecular activity perfected by nature towards applications in cellular interrogation, bio-energetic/functional materials development, and next-generation medicine.
The group harnesses molecular recognition and self-assembly processes in template-directed protocols for the synthesis of functionalized and mechanized molecules, prior to their being introduced into integrated nanosystems.
The Stupp laboratory at Northwestern University
The mission of the Center, housed within the Rensselaer Nanotechnology Center (RNC), is to integrate research, education, and technology dissemination, and serve as a national resource for fundamental knowledge and applications, in directed assembly of nanostructures.
The center's mission is to create high throughput, reliable and versatile nanomanufacturing systems and associated processes through transformative research, education of leaders and global and industrial engagement that will revolutionize future generations of mobile computing and energy devices.
The Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences at Oak Ridge National Laboratory is a collaborative nanoscience user research facility for the synthesis, characterization, theory, modeling, simulation, and design of nanoscale materials. It is one of five Nanoscale Science Research Centers currently being established by the Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy.
The Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences (CNMS) integrates nanoscale science with neutron science; synthesis science; and theory, modeling, and simulation. Operating as a national user facility, the CNMS supports a multidisciplinary environment for research to understand nanoscale materials and phenomena.
A fundamental question to be addressed in the group's research is how we can learn from biological systems in nature, especially at the micro/nano-scale, in order to engineer biocompatible nanomaterials and further develop innovative robotic systems that are capable of interfacing with molecular and cellular systems for advanced therapeutics and tissue engineering applications, and for swimming efficiently in fluidic environment.
The goal of the center is to create devices that will make diagnosing, treating and managing diseases easier, less expensive and more effective.