Nanotechnology Research Laboratories


Showing results 221 - 230 of 593 of research organizations in USA:

Located at North Dakota State University, Fargo, the NDSU Center for Nanoscale Science and Engineering provides research and development with world-class facilities, equipment and staff with broad-based expertise.
The Network for Computational Nanotechnology (7 universities) has a mission to connect theory, experiment, and computation in a way that makes a difference to the future of nanotechnology. While addressing challenges in nanotechnology NCN researchers produce new algorithms, approaches, and software tools with capabilities not yet available commercially.
NJIT is renowned for expertise in architecture, applied mathematics, wireless communications and networking, solar physics, advanced engineered particulate materials, nanotechnology, neural engineering and e-learning.
The research in Prof. Dong Ko's group focuses on how we can utilize nanocrystals for direct conversion into electricity of two of the most important ubiquitous sources of free energy: sunlight and waste heat.
Nanoscience and materials at NYU includes fullerene derivatization studies, chiral sensors and triggered materials, peptide nanotechnology; peptide surface interactions, molecular imaging agents, and proteins containing unnatural amino acids.
The AML is designed to be the world's best measurement laboratory. NIST and its partners will be able to produce the measurements and standards needed to move key 21st-century technologies from the research horizon on to the factory floor.
The world's first government-sponsored organization dedicated to developing the biotechnology industry (including bionanotechnology). The center's mission is to provide long-term economic and societal benefits to North Carolina through support of biotechnology research, business and education statewide.
The NC Center of Innovation for Nanobiotechnology (COIN) is a non-profit organization with the goal of increasing commercialization of nanobiotechnologies in North Carolina. COIN's goal is to create synergy among existing statewide resources and bridge any gaps that are potential barriers to growth. This will bolster state-wide nanobiotech infrastructure and economic growth, delivering quality of life benefits to mankind.
The research activities in the center are directed towards understanding the fundamental science of nanoscale materials and utilizing their unique properties for commerical applications.
The degree program will hold classes on campus, but will also be the first master's degree program in nanoengineering that is offered via online distance education - making the program available to students who are already in the workforce. The program will also offer concentrations in biomedical science in nanoengineering, materials science in nanoengineering, and nanoelectronics and nanophotonics.