Nanotechnology Research Laboratories


Showing results 201 - 210 of 593 of research organizations in USA:

NEWT, an interdisciplinary, multi-institution nanosystems-engineering research center (headquartered at Rice University), is applying nanotechnology to develop transformative and off-grid water treatment systems that both protect human lives and support sustainable economic development.
Nanotech NYC is a website aimed at fostering the growth and advancement of the nanotechnology and nanoscience communities in the greater New York City area. The site is populated with a host of information, including listings of researchers, companies, facilities, resources, programs and events.
The Nanotech Regulatory Document Archive is a free, searchable database of governmental documents from around the world relating to nanotechnology regulation.
The American Chemistry Council's Nanotechnology Panel is composed of companies engaged in the production, distribution, and/or use of chemicals with business interests in the products and applications of nanotechnology. The Panel is actively involved in advocating the use of information and the completion of research on nanomaterials that facilitate understanding and manage the health and environmental issues associated with nanoscale materials.
JILA is an institute for interdisciplinary research and graduate education in the physical sciences, operated jointly by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the University of Colorado at Boulder, and involving NIST Quantum Physics Division 848 researchers. These NIST scientists participate in a variety of nanotechnology activities, several of which are summarized here
The research work focuses on experimental research and development in nano and bio technologies as well as on a strong complementary modeling and simulation effort that includes computational nanotechnology, computational nanoelectronics, computational optoelectronics, and computational modeling of processes encountered in nanofabrication.
The NSF Nanosystems Engineering Research Center (NERC) for Nanomanufacturing Systems for Mobile Computing and Mobile Energy Technologies (NASCENT) will develop high throughput, high yield and versatile nanomanufacturing systems to take nano-science discoveries from the lab to the marketplace. The Center is led by The University of Texas at Austin and includes two partner institutions - University of California at Berkeley and University of New Mexico. Also included are Seoul National University in South Korea and Indian Institute of Science.
The NCL serves as a national resource and knowledge base for all cancer researchers to facilitate the regulatory review of nanotechnologies intended for cancer therapies and diagnostics.
The NCI Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer is a comprehensive, systematized initiative encompassing the public and private sectors, designed to accelerate the application of the best capabilities of nanotechnology to cancer.
NCLT is the first national center for learning and teaching of nanoscale science and engineering education in the US. The mission of NCLT is to develop the next generation of leaders in NSE teaching and learning, with an emphasis on NSEE capacity building, providing a strong impact on national STEM education.