Nanotechnology Research Laboratories


Showing results 141 - 150 of 593 of research organizations in USA:

In past decades, nanostructured materials have shown promise of revolutionizing a number of areas, including theranostic, electronic, and photonic materials. Applications of these fields include yet a wider range of specialities, which can be incorporated into sensor material design. This shall be the focus of the MEAN Lab; fundamental material properties and applications of nanomaterials to sensor design. The MEAN Lab shall span a spectrum of expertise (e.g. - nanomaterials, bionanotechnology, interfacial science, electrochemistry), all of which fall under the umbrella of sensor design.
Conducts nanotechnology research in various areas and has a number of nanotechnology transfer opportunities.
Conducts nanscience and nanotechnology research in various areas such as nanosensors and nanomaterials.
The Lehigh Emerging Technologies Network (LETN), formerly the Lehigh Nanotech Network (LNN), was founded by Lehigh University in 2004, comprising a diverse group of business, education, government, economic development, and services/consulting members. We bring members together to learn about applications, research, funding opportunities, and educational initiatives, and to advance the understanding, development, and commercialization of novel materials technology. The LETN also supports education and outreach for student development. Membership is open to any company or organization with interest in materials or nanotechnology.
Lehigh's SEM courses were founded by Joe Goldstein in 1970. More than three decades later, the Lehigh Microscopy School is widely recognized as the largest and best in the world.
The centers mission is to identify, promote and engage in strategic areas of research and education in advanced materials and nanotechnology that meet the needs of industry, government and students.
Conducts research in nanomaterials.
The Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies is a Department of Energy-funded nanoscience research facility that provides users from around the world with access to state of the art expertise and instrumentation in a collaborative, multidisciplinary environment with a focus on nanoscience integration.
Research in the area of physics and chemistry of nanoscale structures built from chemically generated nanoparticles.
The core competency of the ?nanofabrication? research group is to synthesize variety of nanoparticles, characterize them using X-ray absorption spectroscopy and utilize them to fabricate devices for biomedical applications.