Nanotechnology Research Laboratories


Showing results 71 - 80 of 154 of research organizations in Germany:

Four departments: Biomaterials, Colloid Chemistry, Interfaces as well as Theory and Bio-Systems. Current research topics are polymeric films, membranes, micro- capsules, organic and inorganic nano- structures, biomineralization, nanoreactors or molecular motors.
Experimental and theoretical research carried out at the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics is primarily focussed on solid state phenomena that are determined by small dimensions and surfaces and interfaces. The investigations concentrate on establishing relations between the magnetic, electronic, optical, and mechanical properties of solids and their microstructure. Thin films and surfaces are investigated as well as nanocrystalline materials, phase boundaries and defects in bulk crystals.
This internationally recognized Master of Science (M. Sc.) course of study offers students of the natural sciences an advanced degree coupled with practical experience. The Course of Study may be completed in three semesters of full-time study or over a longer period of time for students whose professions only permit part-time study.
MAP develops new coherent light sources and secondary light-driven particle sources with unprecedented properties.
N2P - Flexible Production Technologies and Equipment based on Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Processing for 3D Nano Structured Surfaces. This project will develop innovative in-line high throughput technologies based on atmospheric pressure surface and plasma technologies. The two identified approaches to direct 3D nanostructuring are etching for manufacturing of nanostructures tailored for specific applications, and coating.
Namlab, a joint venture of Qimonda Dresden GmbH and the Technical University of Dresden provides industry oriented materials science and research concentrating on new and promising nano-electronic materials for semiconductor applications of tomorrow.
A German initiative to promote the entrepreneurial autonomy of young scientists in nanotechnologies.
The focus is on basic research in the three areas of metal-, semiconductor-, and molecular/atomic-based spintronics with the visionary goal of developing nanoscale spintronic devices based on a detailed knowledge of the underlying atomistic spin-dependent interactions and processes.
A career network for young female scientists involved in the fields of nanotechnologies.
A group of conceiving inventing and utilizing optical microscopes with resolution at the nanometer scale to advance life sciences.