Nanotechnology Research Laboratories


Showing results 41 - 50 of 154 of research organizations in Germany:

The research of the group is focused on energy and sustainability. The research encompasses design, synthesis, functionalization, and self-assembly of nanoscale materials for applications in plasmonics, photonics, electronics, sensing, separation, and medicine. Using wet chemistry, electrospinning, physical deposition and their combinations, they aim to create nanomaterials and nanocomposites (e.g. metal, metal oxide, polymer, etc.) with diverse multifunctional properties for new technological applications.
(German language site) An initiative to support nanotechnology activities from the Ministry of Economy of the German state Hesse.
The overall aim of the initiative is to establish a key market for the technology of carbon nanotubes in Germany, which will serve as a global leader in the field of innovative carbon nanomaterials. For this purpose, a large group of around 80 expert partners from industry and science have joined forces to form a strong, interdisciplinary innovation alliance known as Inno.CNT.
A foundation of the state of Baden-Württemberg in Germany, the Institute for Microelectronics Stuttgart is involved in industry-oriented research in silicon technology, application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs), photo lithography and image sensors as well as vocational education.
This group at the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden deals with nanoscale research in areas such as photonics, electronics, nanomaterials design, quantum optics, or biophysics.
The Institute for New Materials has already been concentrating since 1990 on the research in and development of new nanomaterials to production maturity and is a European center of chemical nanotechnology for material innovations.
The Department's efforts are focused on the utilization of plasmonic effects in metallic nanostructures in the molecular ensemble, and their integration in technical environments.
Since its foundation in 1992, the IPHT has performed top-rank research and development receiving worldwide appreciation. Its present concentration on photonic technology aims at strengthening its existing scientific and technological competences and to expand into new areas of modern optics. The institute's ambitious goal is to be among the world?s leading developers of photonic technology and its applications.
An international association of companies and institutes in the field of microtechnology, nanotechnology and advanced materials.
The group's approach to exploring new properties arising in nanostructured materials is to integrate their research starting from the production of particles, their characterization and assembly to designed structures, the physical investigation of such structures and the modeling and understanding of the results.